Everyone knows that cats have nine lives, but how long will your lives last? If curiosity gets the better of you, or your rival cats throw too many attacks your way, even all the yarn balls in the world won’t be able to save you, and it won’t be long before the Grim Reapurr comes for you … Can you be the very last cat standing? It’s time to find out!
What Is It?
Hand Management – Players have a hand of cards and can play as many as they like on each of their turns (and sometimes on other players’ turns as well, to avoid or redirect attacks). They need to manage those cards and determine the best times to strike, versus when to hold back.
Take That / Player Elimination – Players will be attacking one another to try and take each other out of the game; last player standing wins.
Dice Rolling – To try and avoid attacks, and during certain events, players will roll dice. Yarn balls can be used to re-roll.
Event Cards – Between each turn a catastrophe card is drawn which is usually some sort of mini-game for players to partake in.
Who Is It For?
- 2 – 6 Players – I definitely would not recommend it at 2 because it comes down to too much luck of the draw. I’d say 3 minimum, but it really shines at 4-6
- Ages 8+ – The rules are simple and streamlined; it’s fun for a wide range of ages, as long as you can embrace some chaotic silliness!
- Fans of take that and dice rolling
- Players who don’t mind event card ‘swingyness’ and player elimination
- Aesthetics – Great art, the cats are super adorable and very well personified; clean design on cards; great colors on the board/box
- Components – Nice quality cards, nice cardboard standees, the yarn ball wooden pieces are awesome, pretty standard d6 dice, the insert is nice quality and holds everything well, and I love the UV spotting on the box
- Yarn Balls – I like that you have the ability to re-roll dice at times, it helps control some of the randomness
- Turns are quick and the game plays smoothly
- Cards that can change attack targets keep everyone engaged on every turn
- Player Elimination – Players can be ganged up on and eliminated quickly sometimes, which never feels fun, but games aren’t usually super long, so players hopefully won’t sit out too much
- Randomness – Sometimes you just won’t get block cards, or everyone else will have them and block our attacks, or you won’t roll what you need, and there’s not always a way to mitigate that

Final Thoughts
While this isn’t the type of game I gravitate toward often, I thought it was a fun time, and I’d definitely be willing to play it on occasion, with the right group. It can be frustrating if you get attacked a lot or you can’t block things, but that’s also kind of expected in a take-that game of this nature. The silliness, the chaos, and the wild mini-games all still help make for a fun time! You definitely want to play with at least 4 people for the best experience, and you want to make sure you play with people who are willing to be a little silly too. Overall, it’s a good time for a quick play, and the art is top notch too!
Additional Information:
My Final Rating – 6/10
Designer – Josh Lee Norris
Artist Jacqui – Davis, Jenny Parks
Publisher – The Original Sasquatch
MSRP – $40.00
*I was provided a copy of this game to do this review*
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