Category: Reviews Page 1 of 65

Reviews of final production copies of games or products

Can We Tie the Knot in Time?

After a rather rowdy rehearsal dinner, you arrive at a disheveled venue. With the happy couple due to wed in just hours, can you fix everything in time so the wedding goes off without any more issues? It’s time to find out!

Beautiful Paintings, & Even Better Organization!

Curators, we need you to set up the museum’s new water-themed exhibit, got it? Wait… you’re arguing about horizontal versus vertical alignment? Look, do it however you like, and we’ll judge both orientations at the end. Just make sure it looks perfect!

We Have To Help The Penguins!

Filming is wrapping up for your conservation TV show WildWorld, but all of a sudden, your production tent is ransacked! Something is wrong, and you’ll have to get to the bottom of this if you want the show to get finished so that you can make a different for all the Galápagos penguins. We’d better get to work!

How Impressive Are Your Crops?

Grandma Hortensia passed on without leaving a will, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work hard to keep impressing her! She’ll reappear three times to put her grandchildren to the test. If you want to inherit her land, you’ll have to prove you’re the most experienced farmer of the bunch by her third visit. Manage your money, fertilizer, and water effectively, and you’re sure to impress her! Now go on, and let your farm grow!

What Lies in the Ocean’s Depths?

Do you ever wonder what secrets, treasures, and creatures lurk within the ocean depths? Well, now we know. In the deepest waters, a civilization of sea-folk have built an entire world! Now that their resources are exhausted though, they will need to explore the depths to find more and keep their civilization alive. As one of the ocean kings, it is your duty to help your people by exploring, conquering, and recruiting. There is no time to waste!

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