Sonic and his friends are here and they’re ready to play some games and have some fast fun! Take on an action packed race, duel your opponents in the ultimate shooting battle, or go on a treasure hunt for emerald shards. Better yet – collect chaos tokens by playing all 3! Let’s check it out.
What Is It?
3 games in 1 box! One main deck is used for all the games, and there are various characters and trackers unique to each game, with the characters providing variable player powers in each game, as well as suit effects for the cards, which change how the cards work when played in each game.
Action Race – Players participate in races, playing cards face down and scoring if they don’t match another player. Matching players participate in a homing attack where they will have to keep playing more cards of the same number to stay in, and the last player standing is the only one to score. At the end of a turn, if the player with the most points has 10+ and is not tied, they win!
Shooting Battle – Players duel to deplete their opponents’ health. When you duel a player, you both play a card face down and when revealed the higher number deals 1 damage to the lower number (ties each deal a damage). When a player hits 0 health they are knocked out, and the last player standing wins.
Treasure Hunt – Players are making up to 3 stacks in front of them, and can only have 1 suit in each stack. They are trying to get a collection of number cards that match one of the emerald shards in order to collect the shard. The first player to collect 2 shards wins!
Who Is It For?
- 2 to 4 Players – Seems to scale fine at any count
- Ages 8 & Up / Family Weight – Small rule sets, very approachable, which is great for such a familiar IP
- Fans of light, quick cards games
- Fans of set collection, and head to heads (i.e. “War”)
- Aesthetics – Great art and graphic design
- Components – Nice quality cards
- Rules are well written and clear
- Variety in the 3 available games, and the range of 24 characters
- Fun theme
- Small footprint since there aren’t many components
- Luck – It can often feel like a lot hinges on what cards you draw and you don’t have much control
- Sometimes the games can feel too short, which can again come down to that luck
Final Thoughts
It’s really cool to see so many different Sonic characters, and I liked that different ones were used in different games to increase the variety between the games. The gameplay is very approachable, which I think is ideal for such a recognizable theme, so that’s also great that there’s no huge barrier to entry.
I personally didn’t find any of the games super exciting. They were nice fillers or something fun to play with fans of the theme who prefer lighter games, but overall I thought they mostly came down to luck, so there wasn’t much to keep players super engaged. They’re fun for the right crowd, so if you’re a Sonic fan, check this one out!
Additional Information:
Designer – Anthony Thorp
Publisher – Kess Co.
MSRP – $19.99
Full Retail Through: Local Game Stores, Amazon, Barnes & Noble,
Books a Million, and Target
*I was provided a copy of this game to do this review*
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