Tag: set collection Page 1 of 6

Beautiful Paintings, & Even Better Organization!

Curators, we need you to set up the museum’s new water-themed exhibit, got it? Wait… you’re arguing about horizontal versus vertical alignment? Look, do it however you like, and we’ll judge both orientations at the end. Just make sure it looks perfect!


We have an emergency! All of our cute and cuddly pets are sad 🙁

We need you to heal, feed, and love these little darlings and make them happy again!

Who will be able to make the most animals smile? Let’s find out!

Spend Time to Solve the Crime

The clock is ticking, detectives. You only have 48 hours to close this case, or the mayor will have your jobs! I don’t care if you work together or solve this thing on your own, just make sure the job is done and the right perp is caught, got it? Then what are you waiting for? Get to work!

Build the Best Village!

A house here, a school there, oh, and maybe a tea stall on the corner! That’ll do nicely. As a leader of the Panchayat, you’ll need to turn a plot of plain land into a thriving little village of your own. Will you have the most flourishing village around, or will the neighboring villages outshine you? Let’s see!

Who’s Hungry for Sushi?

Hungry? Let’s have sushi! Get ready to feast on a variety of sushi types, enjoy some side dishes, and maybe try a little wasabi, if you’re feeling adventurous! Be kind to the staff and they may help you get even more sushi on your plate. Well, come on, grab a menu and let’s eat!

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