Quick! Name a pizza topping that starts with “S”! Now, a pet name that starts with “E”! If you can think on your feet, no matter the category, then Tapple is definitely for you. Let’s check it out!
What Is It?
Word Association – A category card is flipped each round and players will need to name different answers for the category by tapping down a letter button that is still available.
Speed/Real-Time – Players will only have 10 seconds to answer each time it is their turn!
Player Elimination – If a player doesn’t answer in time, or gives an incorrect answer, they will be out of the round.
Who Is It For?
- 2 to 8 Players – Works fine at any count, but I like to cap it at 4 or 5 so there’s not too many people crowded around the machine
- Ages 8 & Up / Light Gamers – Very approachable, small ruleset, great for lots of players. For a younger audience, there’s maybe a category or two you might avoid but otherwise, it’s great for everyone
- Fans of fast paced, loud party games
- Players who can think on their feet!
- Very approachable
- Letter buttons click down well
- Plays quickly
- Easy to score, but also easy to just play without scoring
- Doesn’t take up much space
- Simple/clear rules
- Love that the device has a compartment for the cards underneath
- Good variety of categories
- “Overtime” rules are fun and add good challenge to the game if players are good enough to get through all the letters

- Box isn’t the best quality
- Not big on the “player’s choice” categories personally, I think it throws off the flow
- Player elimination is never my favorite, but it’s not the worst in this since you usually aren’t out for very long
- Sometimes the timer button doesn’t click right if you hit it too fast, but you also have to be fast, so it can be a little annoying
Final Thoughts
Nowadays, I’m not as big on real-time games as I used to be. That said, I really loved this. It moves super quickly, of course, but it doesn’t feel bad if you miss an answer or get eliminated because it’s still fun to watch others play, and you get back into the next round in no time too. It’s exciting to watch and try to prepare your answers for your turn, but never knowing if a certain letter will be available by the time it gets to you. If you like party games, and answering within categories quickly, definitely check this one out!
Additional Information:
My Final Rating – 8/10
Publisher – The Op
MSRP – $21.99
*I was provided a copy of this game to do this review*
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