If you think you have a monster under your bed, never fear! Monsters are afraid of certain toys, so all you need to do is get out the toy they are most scared of, and send those pesky monsters back to the closet! Get ready for a good night’s sleep!
What Is It?
Cooperative – Players work together to get rid of all the monsters
Memory – Players will be flipping toy tiles to find the toys they need, and they’ll need to remember where the tiles are to avoid wrong answers. Wrong answers flip progression tiles, which – when 3 are flipped – bring out more monsters around the bed!
Variable Play/Set-Up – There are a number of variants to scale the difficulty up or down, and players can try the game competitively as well. Players can also change the game length by using 10, 15, or 20 monster cards in the deck.
Who Is It For?
- 1 to 6 Players – It’s fine at most counts, but I think 3 is ideal – not too few or too many
- Kids ages 3 & Up / Family or very light-weight gamers – No reading required, so it’s good for a wide age range
- Fans of light memory games
- Players who like different options for play
Easy – Players do not get penalized for wrong tile flips, and can’t lose – It’s a nice, light version to use if playing with a younger audience to introduce them to memory/matching, and help them build up to the additional rules.
Fearless Hunter – Tiles start face-up for 10 seconds, then flipped face-down. Only 2 of the 3 progression tiles are used – Good change from the original to give players a little less flexibility for wrong guesses, to add to the challenge, but does give them a leg up by being able to see where everything is first.
Pack Hunters – Normally, if a toy can scare away a monster, it does. With this, if multiple monsters are out, players need to find all the toys at the same time to scare them away – Again, just a slight change but does offer a little more challenge since you may need to remember where multiple things are at once.
Expert Hunters – Add the blue tiles to the toys. The 1st time one is flipped, they do nothing. If flipped again, the sock gets swapped with another face-down tile, and the monster under the blanket immediately flips all the progression tiles to bring out a new monster card – I like this because I think it is a good progression of difficulty once players are familiar with the game. I like that it can shuffle tiles around, making it more of a challenge to remember where things are, and can bring out monsters a little faster too.
Competitive – Instead of sending monsters to the closet when scared, players collect the cards as their score and most points wins – Again, a nice change if you also like competitive games, and a nice stepping stone into competition for those younger players who might have been playing this game.
- Aesthetics – Great art! Super cute monsters, and not too scary for the younger players
- Components – I love the closet being part of the box. Nice tiles, and big cards
- Rules – Well written and clear
- No reading required for play, so great to get younger gamers started
- Variability – I love having so many options for play. I think it’s great because it allows you to keep playing and let the game grow and change along with the players
- Easy set-up and clean-up
- Fun theme!

- With more players, it can feel a bit long – that is, it takes too long between your turns. You could alleviate that by choosing what tiles to flip all together instead of in turns, but I think the turns help players feel the sense of control over remembering where things are
- Not a lot to do on your turn, so it can feel a little bad if you don’t get to put a monster in the closet because you didn’t make a match
Final Thoughts
If you have young players, or non-gamers who like a light memory challenge with a very cute theme, it’s worth checking out!
I love that it offers a lot of variety so you can start super easy and gradually add in more variants to change the difficulty. And it’s nice that it works well both competitively and cooperatively too! I’m not usually huge on memory, but with something so light, and short and sweet, this is a solid game!
Additional Information:
My Final Rating – 7/10
Designer – Antoine Bauza
Artists – Le Mille-Pattes, Nikao, Maciej Szymanowicz
Publisher – Scorpion Masqué
MSRP – $14.99
*I was provided a copy of this game to do this review*
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