Welcome to another week! Played a few newbies again this week, a few of my review games on deck, and a few things we kind of forgot about that needed to see the table again! What did you play this week? Anything that stood out?

Happy Gaming~

Reaction Key
❤️ – Loved It/Always Love It/Favorite
😄 – Liked It/Will Likely Play Again
🤷🏻‍♀️ – Okay/Take It or Leave It
👎🏻 – Didn’t Like/Would Not Play Again
🆕 – New-to-Me Game

🆕😄 Clank! In! Space! – A nice addition to our Clank! collection, this was different enough to warrant having both,  but not so different that it failed at still capturing what I love about the game
🆕👎🏻 Expedition: Northwest Passage – We had a pretty bad time with stalemating in this one so it made for a not great experience overall. So much so that the person who owned it immediately sold it afterwards! haha!
😄 Cthulhu: The Great Old One (Deluxe Edition)
😄 Sixpence Bakery
❤️ Tavern Masters – What can I say? After a few more plays, I just really like this game!!
🤷🏻 Bora Bora – The symbology is painfully bad to us both, so we decided not to hang on to this one
🤷🏻‍♀️  Korrigans
🤷🏻‍♀️  Auf Achse – Said the same thing I know I said the first time I played it, it’s just a glorified roll and move that can be super frustrating when you roll 3 snake eyes rolls in a row…like I did
😄 La Isla
❤️ Pickle Letter – One of my favorites!
❤️ Clank!
🆕👎🏻 Speech Breaker – A silly game, which I would normally like, but the playback is just too loud, it gives me a headache
😄 Gloobz
❤️ Fish Feud
❤️ Unlock!: Squeek and Sausage
❤️ Bonk
😄 Magic Maze
❤️ Mysterium
🆕🤷🏻‍♀️/😄 Hierarchy – Definitely an interesting new game (playing a prototype for a preview) but we need a few more plays to see how the balance feels