Welcome back to Monday’s weekly plays, gamers! Did you play anything new this past week? I did! I also got to see a few friends I haven’t seen in quite a while, and we got plenty of awesome games in! Also spent some time on Tabletop Simulator this weekend trying some new things. I’m really not big on TTS for a lot of reasons, but it was nice to try some stuff I wouldn’t have access to otherwise.

What else are you doing for fun? I’m continuing to really enjoy some video games, and I’ve been really into participating in #Snaptober with some simple board game photos on my Twitter and Instagram – make sure to check it out!

And as always, happy gaming~

Reaction Key
❤️ – Loved It/Always Love It/Favorite
😄 – Liked It/Will Likely Play Again
🤷🏻‍♀️ – Okay/Take It or Leave It
👎🏻 – Didn’t Like/Would Not Play Again
🆕 – New-to-Me Game

😄 Run, Fight, or Die – This was a hit at our weekly game night, and I’m so glad, cause it’s a great game!
😄 Haunt the House
🆕😄 Lindisfarne – I’m not huge on the theme, but I really, really liked this game!
🆕😄 Fightin’ Words – Can’t wait to try this with more players!
🆕️🤷🏻‍♀️ The City – I was, unfortunately, pretty underwhelmed with this one. But, I’ll be playing it more before my review, and hopefully at a few different player counts, so who knows how my opinion may change.
😄 Master of Wills
🆕😄 Cindr – Played with Curt from Smirk & Dagger on TTS and it was a great time!
🆕🤷🏻‍♀️/😄 Sakura Arms – Also played on TTS. It was okay, but I think I’d need more plays to know if it’s really for me.
🆕😄Top Gun Strategy Game – This was a bit long for what it was, but still pretty neat! I liked the two different phases cause one was silly while the other was much more strategic.
😄 Arraial
😄 Funkoverse – Tried out the shark from Jaws in this play! We picked up the Chase version from Barnes and Noble.
😄 Guild Master – Really, really enjoying this game!
😄 Kamigami Battles
😄 Marvel Fluxx
😄 Escape: Curse of the Temple
😄 Cupcake Academy
😄/🤷🏻‍♀️ Harry Potter House Cup Competition – I really wanted to keep enjoying this game, but it’s just feeling bland the more I play it, unfortunately. Not a bad game, but not something I’m likely to pick much.