It’s said that the white butterfly is the soul of a lost loved one, a beautiful tale indeed. If you collect enough butterflies of your own, you may be lucky enough to earn a visit from one. Go head to head to collect sets of butterflies and earn the most victory points!

What Is It?

A drafting and set collection game for 2 players. Cards are laid out in a different pattern each round – some face up, some face down – and players take turns drafting Eighty-Eight, Blue Morpho, Monarch, and Swallowtail butterflies. These will score various points based on how many of each players have. There is also a single Great Eggfly card which can be used as a tiebreaker, and can be put into the display of cards to replace what the player who holds it just took, sometimes forcing it to change hands. Players total their points each round, and most points wins; the first to win 3 rounds, wins the game!

Who Is It For?

  • Ages 6+ – Simple rules and mechanics
  • Fans of drafting/set collection – Basic, no other elements or deep strategy
  • Fans of butterflies – you can even learn their scientific names from the cards!

Components + Quality

The game is mostly cards, all of which are nice quality. The text is easy to read and the scoring symbology is all very clear. There’s a few white butterfly meeples, for scoring which are also nice quality, very sturdy. The box is a nice size for what’s in it, no issues. But, if you wanted to, you could also easily store it in one of those photo cases to easily transport it along with other small games.


  • Small/Portable
  • Easy to learn and play
  • Plays quickly
  • Great for non-gamers/beginners
  • Aesthetically pleasing


  • Very basic; experienced gamers may not get much out of it
  • Oftentimes you can tell how the rest of the round will play out a little early, making the remaining turns feel anticlimactic
  • Doesn’t change very much game to game

Final Thoughts

Overall, this was a cute little game. The mechanics are very basic, and there’s not too much strategizing you can do since you just need to pick a card each turn. It’s light enough for basically anyone to pick up, which is nice, and I’m sure plenty of gamers will enjoy introducing it to their friends. For me, I think it’s a little bit too light, but I could see pulling it out while waiting for food at a restaurant, because it doesn’t take up a ton of space, or just when you only have a short time frame to fill for a game. I recommend this one to anyone looking for something simple, light, and relaxing to play with gamers of all ages!

My Final Ratings:
Overall Game – 6/10
Aesthetics – 7/10
Replay Value – 4/10
Difficulty – 1/10

Additional Information:
Designer – Joel Lewis
Artist – Dejana Louise Storey
Publisher – Good Games Publishing
MSRP – $12.99

*I was provided a copy of this game to do this review*

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