Ciao, cool cats! Are you ready for the big party? A kitten’s only as good as their disguise around here, so you’ll want to make sure you unmask the other players before they can do the same to you. Welcome, one and all, to the Cloaked Cats Ball!
What Is It?
A deduction game where players are trying to figure out the 3 features of their opponents. Each turn players add a cat card to the table and all players add a mask of their color to the card if any of their features match that cat.
The active player can then guess one feature of any player to earn a mask of that player’s color. But don’t get too excited! A wrong guess will give that player a mask of your color instead!
When all 3 features of a player are guessed, the game end is triggered. Players finish the round, not playing more cards, but only taking the “guess a feature” action. Players earn 1 point for every opponent mask they have, and 1 point for each unrevealed feature they have. The player(s) with the most points wins!
Who Is It For?
- 2 – 4 Players – Scales well at all counts
- Ages 8+
- Fans of light deduction
- Players looking for a quick filler
- Simple set up
- Quick turns
- Includes reference for turns as well as available features
- Rules – Well-written
- Aesthetics – Cute art on all the cards
- Components – nice quality across the board; the fans are a nice touch instead of having players have a hand of cards
- Luck of the Draw – You can easily get stuck with cat cards that all have one of your features, which is frustrating because it means you’re constantly giving others information, and they might not be forced to do the same; no real way to mitigate this
Final Thoughts
There isn’t a lot to this game, but I think its simplicity is what works well for it. Turns are simple – play a card, everyone play masks, make a guess (if you want to), draw a card – so it’s easy to pick up on whether you’re well-versed in deduction games or not.
It’s also nice to find deduction games that work at 2 players, because I feel like you don’t see that too often. I do think it’s better with 3 or 4, but it does work at 2, which is a bonus.
Overall, I think it serves as a nice deduction filler for all ages, or a great introduction to deduction games for younger audiences.
Additional Information:
My Final Rating – 6/10
Designer – Connor Reid
Artist – Pablo Fontagnier
Publisher – HABA
MSRP – $19.99
*I was provided a copy of this game to do this review*
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