Hey friends! It’s time for my next entry in the Tabletop Writers Diversity Initiative with “Challenge Four: Caption This!” The first group of images below were graciously provided by the TWDI for participants to caption. I had a bunch of fun coming up with little comments for these, and encourage you to try as well! I’ve also included an image of my own at the very bottom for you to take a whack at! Have fun, and, as always, Happy Gaming~

Traffic Jam! Get out of the way!
I told her not to eat all that cheesecake …
Everyone act casual, and maybe Death won’t notice us….
“I thought you were gonna bring the ritual materials…” “Jerry, we talked about this!”
Getting on the right path!
Y’all looking pretty sus… I’m voting out orange.
Sharks are friends, not foes!
You got any more of that goooood corn?
I bet you’re wondering how I got here. Let me start at the beginning.

Your Turn! – Caption This:

You have my permission to repost this image, as long as you credit where it came from.

Achievement Unlocked! Another Merit Badge!

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