Category: Lists Page 1 of 17

Lists of games or game related items that fit under a certain category.

2024’s Top 100 Games!

Another year is almost complete! I played a lot of new games this year, but also some classic favorites, of course. And here is what managed to make it into my top 100 games of all time as of 2024!

New games below are noted with a (N) while games that appeared on last year’s list have (#) next to them, with whatever number they came in at last time. How many crossovers do you have?

Top 10 Games of 2024

I don’t always get a chance to play a lot of the newest, hottest board games, but I played a fair amount of games from 2024 (about 80 titles!) So I wanted to put together of list of a few of my favorites from this year. What was your favorite board game that came out in 2024?

2023’s TOP 100!

Welcome back to another Top 100, Gamers! I go back and forth on this list a lot every year because I feel like it is so difficult to compare all of the different games that I love. I use this fancy ranking engine, because I do think it’s the best/easiest way to get this list, but sometimes it’s just hard to choose between certain games because you have to factor in mood, players, group size, and more.

I admit, this list might not be totally perfect, and I might sometimes pick my #83 before my #24 depending on some of those factors. Regardless, these are all some very awesome games, which I totally love, and I think you should also check them out or ask me to talk about them non-stop – haha!

New games below are noted with a (N) while games that appeared on last year’s list have (#) next to them, with whatever number they came in at last time. Let’s dive in.

Top 10 Annoyances in Gaming

Like many of you, I love games. Shocker, right? But even when you love something, small things about it might annoy you over time. Admittedly, I am someone who gets annoyed pretty easily. Still, I think I’ve found at least a few things we can all agree are some universal annoyances that would be quick turn offs in some games. Here, I am focusing on game-related aspects specifically, rather than anything to do with players.

Top 5 No Expansion Needed Games

Sometimes, a game will be great, but it will feel like I just need a little bit more. Other times, games feel perfect just as they are, nothing additional needed. There are a bunch of different reasons why an expansion can feel unnecessary to me. Here are 5 games (in no real order) where I feel an expansion is not needed at all for a stellar experience.

[To clarify, I’ll still play these games with expansions included sometimes, I just don’t feel that they are needed to improve the game.]

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