Welcome back to another Top 100, Gamers! I go back and forth on this list a lot every year because I feel like it is so difficult to compare all of the different games that I love. I use this fancy ranking engine, because I do think it’s the best/easiest way to get this list, but sometimes it’s just hard to choose between certain games because you have to factor in mood, players, group size, and more.
I admit, this list might not be totally perfect, and I might sometimes pick my #83 before my #24 depending on some of those factors. Regardless, these are all some very awesome games, which I totally love, and I think you should also check them out or ask me to talk about them non-stop – haha!
New games below are noted with a (N) while games that appeared on last year’s list have (#) next to them, with whatever number they came in at last time. Let’s dive in.
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