Soooo, in case the title did not ruin it – I recently got engaged!  Please, stay seated, no need for clapping, oh, oh, aww thank you very much!

Normally I don’t tell my own personal stories, but I wanted to put it on here because it is thematically appropriate, being that my fiance (what a fancy word!) used a board game present to disguise the proposal. So, if you’re interested, please read forward! And if not, see ya next time!

I do not own this image. Duh.

It started as a simple birthday present from my boyfriend. He bought me a 90-count booster box of Deadpool Dice Masters. (I hear the haters. Yeah, I know it’s not a “board” game, but you get the idea). I didn’t think much of it being anything more. It was a cool gift, and I was super excited to open them all. I wanted to have him open some too, because we usually open boxes together, but he declined since it was my present. Okay…

If you aren’t aware, these boosters each contain 2 cards and 2 dice, and are usually pretty tightly packed. Cards also range from common to super rare. I usually have to shake them to one side and then rip them open just to be careful not to rip the cards. I’ve open so many that I wasn’t even paying too much attention as I did it. I was just opening packages and watching The Office, casual night. UNTIL…

I opened one package and something fell out on me. Being used to the tight packaging and needing to shake the dice out, I was taken aback. I looked down, hoping a die hadn’t rolled under the table, and saw something very shiny.

I picked it (this gorgeous ring with my birthstone, because we both hate plain diamonds) up and, still kind of confused, took the card out of the package. Instead of a normal character card, I found a note from my boyfriend that said “Looks like you found the most ultra super rare one of all!”

Tears in my eyes (because I’m an emotional f***) I looked up to him, on his knee, asking “Will you marry me?” To which, I nodded, because words are hard.

And that’s my story. Nothing too over the top or public. But the most perfect proposal I could have ever  wished for. I love him, and we love board games, and I was thrilled that he incorporated that into the proposal.   🙂

My ring, featured atop some adorable mugs from my co-workers!