Let’s not beat around the bush – sometimes you just want to sit at home with your –
Choose one:
And that’s cool, right? (Maybe we should steer clear of hanging out with parents, but you get the idea.) But watching a movie or TV show every weekend gets old quick…especially when you’ve already binged anything worth watching on Netflix.
So you pull out a board game! Oh…well, sorry, but that copy of Guess Who that you had to blow a layer of dust off of just isn’t going to cut it. And don’t even try to pull out checkers or chess in front of experienced gamers…those are peasant games. In my own experience, I’ve come to realize that there aren’t a heck of a lot of strictly two-player games out there for us frequent board gamers, and what is out there isn’t always the most diverse. It doesn’t seem very fair if you ask me.
There’s a good chunk of two-player games that are war themed, because wars frequently have only two sides (obviously…like how did you not immediately think that?), and lean heavily toward strategy. But just like in life, people get sick of thinking about war, so let’s put Stratego back on the shelf.
Other themed games are nice, like the English-major friendly game Wordspot (and check out that nifty box), but most of those are so basic that you get sick of those fast too. I mean, let’s be honest, you can only do so much with what is, basically, nothing more than a fancy word search at it’s core.
I want more variety in my two-player options. I want deck-builders (this is exactly what it sounds like), cooperative mystery games, and dice games. I want to have as much fun as people who have a bunch of friends…but none of the cheesiness of “party games” (games meant for large groups, typically trivia).
I know what you’re all saying. No, really, I can hear your thoughts through the screen. There’s plenty of games made for 2-4 or more players! No. Stop it. You don’t know what you’re talking about. That’s rude! No. That’s honest.
Games that say 2-to-X players more often than not mean “Hey, go find some friends because you’re going to need them in order to enjoy this game at all.” Games that support more players usually have a set of “special rules” for two players which will typically include taking out (the fun) elements in the game, making things easier, or muddling up the actual goal of the game so that nothing makes sense – there’s no balance when there’s less players, so I hate only having two players for games that call for more.
I think a lot of people who like board games would agree that we need more two-player options; we shouldn’t be punished for not having friends! … I mean, wanting to spend quality time with that special someone! So give us more strictly 2-player games, it’ll do the world a favor.
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