Hello gamers one and all! Welcome back to another round of weekly plays! This week I spent a lot of time playing a new game for review, and had a lot of fun doing so! (Even if beating the game was pretty hard haha). I also snagged a few newbies at Target on clearance, and was glad to play them this week!

What have you picked up recently?

Reaction Key
❤️ – Loved It/Always Love It/Favorite
😄 – Liked It/Will Likely Play Again
🤷🏻‍♀️ – Okay/Take It or Leave It
👎🏻 – Didn’t Like/Would Not Play Again
🆕 – New-to-Me Game

🆕😄 Tokyo Sidekick – Received this for a last minute review (which came out yesterday!) for the Kickstarter. I was definitely impressed!
🤷🏻‍♀️ Timeline Challenge – Look y’all, I’m no history buff, at all. So I’m really not big on this game
🆕👎🏻/🤷🏻‍♀️ Carte Rouge – I received this for a review and it was just a little too cryptic for me (more thoughts to come) I’d probably try it again with a bigger group, so it is teetering on these reactions
🆕😄 Trapper Keeper Game – This was actually great! It’s similar to Cat Lady, which I’m a big fan of, and the theme is super cute!
🆕🤷🏻‍♀️ Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood Game – It’s adorable, but I didn’t love it with only 2 players. I think it’d be more interesting with more.
😄 Bob Ross: Art of Chill Game – I’ve played this before, but picked it up brand new for under $4 last week, I couldn’t resist!
😄 Adventure Mart
🤷🏻‍♀️ Berrymandering – Also tried the solo this week! Review coming soon.