Hey there! How was everyone’s week? Full of gaming galore I hope!
I didn’t get a ton of different games to the table this week, but did spend some time playing a lot of the same games for a while, which is a change for me, haha! And this past weekend we finished up our alphabet gaming project! Stay tuned later this week for a complete list and some final thoughts on that project!

Happy Gaming~

Reaction Key
❤️ – Loved It/Always Love It/Favorite
😄 – Liked It/Will Likely Play Again
🤷🏻‍♀️ – Okay/Take It or Leave It
👎🏻 – Didn’t Like/Would Not Play Again
🆕 – New-to-Me Game

🆕😄 Spongebob Squarepants Fluxx
😄 Lords of Waterdeep
🆕😄 Deadly Doodles 2
😄 Master of Wills
🆕❤️ Legendary: Buffy the Vampire Slayer – I’m no stranger to the Marvel versions of Legendary, but this was new for me, but equally as awesome!
🆕😄 Noctiluca – I’ve demoed this game before but finally played a full game and I adore it!
😄 X-Men Under Siege
🤷🏻‍♀️ X-Code
🆕😄 Yeti, Set, Go
😄 Yahtzee
😄 Yamatai
😄 Zogen