Hey friends and fam and more! I hope gaming has been good to you lately. This week I put together a cute little Halloween-themed table to our small weekly game night, and

Reaction Key
❤️ – Loved It/Always Love It/Favorite
😄 – Liked It/Will Likely Play Again
🤷🏻‍♀️ – Okay/Take It or Leave It
👎🏻 – Didn’t Like/Would Not Play Again
🆕 – New-to-Me Game

❤️ Dead of Winter
🤷🏻‍♀️ The City
🤷🏻‍♀️/😄 Zodiac Clash – On the fence about this one. Definitely need to play it a bit more.
🤷🏻‍♀️ BattleCON
😄 Lindisfarne
❤️ Sagrada
😄 Asking for Trobils
🆕😄 Little Monster that Came for Lunch and Stayed for Tea
🆕😄 Truffle Shuffle
🆕😄 Super-Skill Pinball: 4-Cade
😄 Franklin’s Fortune
❤️ Among Us – More of this fab game with other board game reviewers! Always a great time!