Tag: disney

Learn More About “Donald Duck in Happy Camper”

Image provided by Daryl Andrews

Hey Gamers! Recently I got to pick the brain of Daryl Andrews – everyone say hi to Daryl! 👋

He is the designer or Sagrada (one of my faves), Bosk, City of Gears, and much more! Including, more recently, Donald Duck in Happy Camper.

The game is described as a race where players will be exploring, setting up camp, taking photos, and, of course, earning badges. Players will reveal tiles and gather resources on their turn, having too many resources will slow them down. I love all things Disney, so I was excited to pick his brain about the game! Let’s see what he had to say.

Top 10 IP Games

Let’s talk about IP Games! I tend to love board games with strong themes I can get into. I like tons of themes, and I’m a-okay with games that build their own worlds. But, if I see a game tied to an IP I’m familiar with and a fan of, you can bet I’ll be looking to learn more about it! For this list, I picked some of my very favorite IP games, and tried to focus on games that I thought used the theme well; I tried to avoid games that merely did a re-skin of a game (like Clue). Let’s check them out!

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