Category: Interview Page 1 of 2

Interviews about games/gaming projects with publishers/designers/etc.

Learn More About HerStory

Hey Gamers! Earlier this week I had a chance to sit down with Danielle Reynolds, designer and developer of HerStory from Underdog games, and pick her brain a little bit about the game/her process and so forth.

The game is a drafting, engine-building, set collection game where players are trying to put together a book telling the stories of remarkable women from history. This theme really grabs me, and the gameplay sounds right up my alley too, so I’m really excited to check out the game soon. For now, let’s see what Danielle had to say about it!

GenCon with The Op

Image provided by The Op

Hey there, all you gorgeous gamers, and welcome back! Today I’ve got a treat for you in the form of an interview! I don’t usually get to go to Gen Con, and this year is no different. But since no one else is going either, I was lucky enough to book a virtual interview with Ross from The Op! I got to sit down with him and talk about all of the AWESOME things they have in store for everyone, and what’s already available! So if you their games and want to learn more, read on!

A Word with Jay Cormier

Hey there, gamers!
It’s time for another epic interview session! I had the pleasure of speaking with Jay Cormier, who you might know as the designer of games like Belfort, Junk Art, Akrotiri, In the Hall of the Mountain King, and more. He has a lot of projects coming up this year, so I asked him about those, as well as a few other random things so you can get to know him a little better! So without further ado, let’s talk to Jay!

Are You Ready to Return to Dark Tower?

Greetings, gamers!

If you haven’t already heard, Return to Dark Tower, is on a Kickstarter near you! Which is everywhere because, well, internet.

I got to ask designer Rob Daviau a few questions about the project and learn a little more! So settle in and check out this great interview!

Talkin’ Bout SATANIMALS!

An intense title seemed like the only good way to introduce this post … another wonderful interview!

I had the pleasure of speaking with Marlon Fussell from MEGA MINT Games about his SATANIMALS, now on Kickstarter. A game with a crazy unique theme, some very cool art, and only a 2-person team behind it, it’s definitely impressive! So let’s check out a little more about the process behind what made this card game happen.

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