Category: Favorites Page 2 of 7

Top “#” lists of certain games

Top 10 Deck Builders – Revisit

Hello again, gamers! And welcome back to another Top 10 List! In July of 2019, I did my first Top 10 Deck Builders, but times have changed, tastes have changed, and I decided the list needed updating! I have expanded to include bag builders as well, since they are very similar in nature. Let’s check them out!

Top 10 X and Write Games

About 3 years ago (7/11/19) I posted about my new favorite mechanism in games – roll & writes. It was pretty new to me at the time, and I was fairly enamored by pretty much every game in that category that I played. The genre has expanded a ton since then – I feel like half the games I see also have a roll and write version! It’s definitely still one of my favorite game styles, but my tastes have also changed a bit since my original list. So, let’s revisit and see where we stand now! This list includes roll & write games, flip & write games, and general “do” and write games (i.e. you may roll and flip).

Top 10 AEG Games

Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG) has so many games, that sometimes even I forget everything that’s by them! I have found a lot of great games thanks to them, and so I wanted to put my favorites all together in one list and share them with the world! They have a bunch of variety, so there’s something for everyone. Even if you don’t find it on this list, there might be something of theirs for you too! (Note – I know not everything is still published by them, but my list looks at any games they’ve ever published). Let’s get started!

Top 5 Japanime Games

I’ve never been huge on anime. I only started watching some when I went to college, and I’ve only found a handful of series that I really enjoy. So, I would have assumed that I’d not really care for most games a company called Japanime would put out. That would be incorrect however, and for good reason! I think Japanime’s games are often overlooked because of their themes and art styles, especially in America. So I want to talk about a few of my favorites in case they aren’t on your radar yet, because they should be. Spoiler alert: They are really good at deck builders, so if you like deck building games, this is a list you want to check out.

Top 10 Games From the 90’s

A lot of great things debuted in the 1990’s. The Lion King … Beanie Babies … me💖. Oh, and a lot of rad board games, too. When I looked for my favorites from the decade, I noticed something in common between them … they’re all kind of goofy! But that’s what I like about them. I didn’t play them back then, I was too young, but they still sort of give me a sense of nostalgia in a way, just for being a kid, I guess. This is your healthy reminder that this list is just my opinion of things I most enjoy, and is not indicative of the best games of the time or anything … although that’s subjective too, so keep that in mind too. Anyway, here are my top 10 games from the 90s:

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