Tag: multi-use cards

Your Light is Needed, Seekers

Seekers, your assistance is needed once again. Only the Kinfire light can protect against the Starless Nights. Along with these Starless Nights, other myths have been reawakened as well. The Wells of Atios warp reality, so we need you to remain grounded and face them. Guildmaster Leera is sending you to the Well known as Callous’ Lab to seek victory and protection for us all. We’re counting on you.

The Road to Victory is Paved with Silver

The discovery of silver has brought economic boom to this city! Take charge of a wealthy family and use your influence in various guilds to expand the city and change the economy. Pay close attention to the supply and demand of everything, and seize the best opportunities whenever you can! Let’s get building!

Who Will Have The Most Gorgeous Garden?

If you’re going to stand a chance at competing for the crown, then you’ll need to complete the best landscapes to form panoramas in your garden, and secure the goodwill of the Gods. Will your garden be deemed the most beautiful, or will you be edged out by another competitor?

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