Tag: card game Page 1 of 7

Your Light is Needed, Seekers

Seekers, your assistance is needed once again. Only the Kinfire light can protect against the Starless Nights. Along with these Starless Nights, other myths have been reawakened as well. The Wells of Atios warp reality, so we need you to remain grounded and face them. Guildmaster Leera is sending you to the Well known as Callous’ Lab to seek victory and protection for us all. We’re counting on you.

Can You Find Enough Evidence to Solve the Case?

It’s 10:00 PM, but there’s no time for rest. The Senator’s daughter has just been found dead in the women’s prison. With a press conference already scheduled for 11:00 AM tomorrow, you will need to get to work quickly in order to determine what happened and why. There’s no time to waste – let’s get cracking.

*Warning: While I will do my best not to spoil much throughout the review, be advised that there is always some possibility for spoilers*

Flip Your Way to Victory!

Are you feeling lucky? Lucky enough to flip over 7 different number cards? Or will your streak end in a bust, or a simple choice to stop while you’re ahead and collect those sweet points instead? There’s only one way to find out – playing Flip 7!

Imaged provided by The Op

Can You Crack the Case, Detective?

Acting as the world’s most skilled, and most famous, detective, it’s time for you, and possibly your very own John Watson, to take a deep dive into Sherlock Holmes’ cases. Will you be able to solve the mystery? Or will you succumb to the wounds the culprits inflict on you…?

Discard, Shout, Win!

Ready … set … NOW! If you’re ready to race your opponents to grab as many target cards as you can, then the time (and the game) is NOW! Let’s get to it!

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